Tuesday, March 13, 2007


To sleep in a classroom is just a surreptitious act, but to sleep in the first bench of a classroom is a display of finesse and dexterity of the highest order.

---- William Sleepsphere.

About the author :

The author has wide experience in the field of sleeping. He has slept during lectures held in over eight different premier institutes and decieved countlesss lecturers with his vulpine intelligence.

About the book :

The book "To sleep and not be caught" is an international bestseller and has also won the sleepitzer prize.

Preview :

Are you afraid of sleeping in the classroom? Have you ever been caught by a finicky pedagogue? Are you docile? Do you concentrate during a boring and discursive lecture?

If the answer to any of the above questions is a "yes", then you have copious reasons to continue reading. It is high time, you grab the vicissitude that has been long eluding you. Remember, every hour you spend on a useless lecture will haunt you all your life.

Tips :

  • The angle of vision of a ‘normal’ human lecturer is 60 degrees 45 minutes 36 seconds, so it is better you don’t lie within this range i.e the first benches of the extreme rows are the safest.
  • In case you don’t prefer the first bench, sit behind the person with the largest possible surface area in your class.
  • Never sit beside a person who is highly attentive as this increases the chances of your capture.
  • Your head should be inclined at the maximum possible angle to the line perpendicular to the plane of the board.
  • Make it a point to keep nodding your head, while you are asleep( this comes with practice only so work real hard on it.)
  • Always sit beside a person who is not aware of these tips.


  • Buy the book or I will shoot you straight in the head – Vijay Bhasker
  • The book is so good you will fall asleep halfway through – Tekken chronicle.
  • Mindblowing, an amazing book and a definite must read - Times of Warangal.

Do you want a collection of such amazing tips? Then please go ahead and buy the book.

You can visit our online website nowwhoisit.blogspot.com or call us on our toll free number 1212345654.