My college is pretty close to hyderabad so I keep going back to my house whenever possible.On one such journey, my train was late by an hour so I was left stranded in the railway station.Iam a midget when it comes to patience so I started cursing almost everyone, beginning from the guy who lays the tracks to the railway minister.
Just when I was trying to settle down, I saw a girl who looked like an etheral damsel.She was walking towards me and I kept staring at her in a really bizzare manner.I just couldnt take my eyes off her(All ugly guys are cursed to admire beauty and I am no exception) .She sat a little farther away from me but I was happy as I could still get a glimpse of her pretty face.Her eyes were really attractive and I was so lost in getting a proper view of them that I never took notice of the guy(her brother I guess) beside her untill I saw a couple of really furious eyes in the background.
What hapenned next was something even nostradamus wouldnt have predicted.A small boy in a totally torn outfit walked up to the girl and asked her for some money and in the process ended up touching her hand .Her beautiful eyes suddenly turned cadaverous and she said something to the guy beside her.The guy pushed the poor kid so hard that he fell down and started crying.There wasn’t even the slightest trace of remorse in the girls face and her petulant smile confirmed that there was none in her heart either.I felt horrible not because of the poignant incident that took place but because there was a tiny part of me that still found the girl beautiful.Eventually the train did arrive and I made sure that I didnt get into the same compartment as hers.
This pretty much sums up how life is, some of us are blessed with everything while others find it hard to keep body and soul together.Just because you are doing well doesn’t mean you can be rude to the one’s who are struggling.There are thousands of people in the world who breathe just to know they are alive.If possible try helping these people but don’t ever be harsh to them as the creator has already done that mistake.
Now, there are a few things that I have learnt from this experience.(Iam not religious so Iam not going to talk about karma,sins and other related weird stuff)
- If people were to look as ugly as their thoughts then the world would be filled with ogres.
- No matter who you are, if u do something bad you will definetly get back something bad.
- Never judge a person by the way he/she looks.
- It is always better to buy a cell phone with an integrated camera.
- Do not make eye contact while staring at a person.
- Never arrive early to a railway station.