Saturday, December 08, 2007


Designed to crash, destined to fly,
with broken wings I try to fly,
high into the azure skies,
transcending multitude of motley wonders,

Mesmerised by the mellifluous breeze,
 intangible emotions posses me,
I realize the purpose of my flight,
a glimpse of your cherubic smile,

As I look, into the vast emptiness,
I wonder if you are still eluding me,
I fear the inevitable,
I fly higher and higher,

Hope couldnt decieve me a little longer,
desire wouldnt defy inhibitions any more,
the pain urges me to fall,
with broken wings I hit the ground,

Tears trickle down my cheek,
a pearly raindrop enraptures me,
foolishly I assume its you,
with broken wings I fly again..............


Unknown said...

Poem is simply superb.The rhytm of the poem let me unmovable...and the essence of it made me fall in love with the bird that is trying to fly higher with the deepest pain it is experiencing...


nikhil goel said...

nice poem.....good flow.....right words....good finish......keep coming..

The Solitary Writer said...

its nice man


prashant said...

really adore ppl who do poems.....admire the way they play wit words and get such a flow........u become one of them now......keep writing.....

Setu said...

beautiful poetry.. keep writing..!

Rajarshi said...

Lovely flow...nice poem...rock on

Srinivas DMS said...

Just, if the foolishly in the last verse is replaced by a positive word, I might have lost my heart there itself my friend. Thank god!

What i mean is, thinking so positive to succeed again is not at all foolish. right?

♪♪Happy Go Lucky♪♪ said...

hey damn good......... gosh how da hell go u use such big-big words man??????????

Vijay Bhasker said...


thanks for bein the first to comment ra..........

@nikhil, prashanth,stephan,setu,tentacles

thanks a lot......i never thought my poems were ne gud...


arent all optimists foolish....u know how optimistic oops foolish need to be a little foolish to chase somethin over and over again, even wen u know it is gonna hurt more everytime u try harder....

btw my next post is on ur topic... :)


gre prep makes u forget all the simpler words.... :D

Zahid said...

man that poems damn good !!!!!

shall i call it a verbose poem ???

Zahid said...

P.S: I am jus another nitian (non-warangal)

Vijay Bhasker said...

thanks dude...u can call it a bombastic one gr8 poet one said, if u cant find the words tht define ur feelings, use words u cant define....wait tht was jus me........... :D

btw which nit?

azeera:) said...

simply beautiful..

prashant said...

dude....u have been tagged......check my post for details@

Purva said...

Reminds me of Jonathan Livingston... and I can very well identify with this one (wrote somethign similar lately)

Nice blogspace but i think u should change the template..

Happy Living